Sunday 15 March 2009

Thriller planing

In this lesson we wer eplanning our thriller opening and decedig what storylie to use. we then decieded that we wanted there to be a stalker who would stalk three victims who would all be girls. the stalker would take pictures of the girls and there would also be flashbacks of these photo's throughout th sequence, we would make these appear in black and white so that this would be more obvoius to the audience and would be an effective way to catch their attention. he would secreatly watch each girl and take snapshots of them.

We decieded to keep the stalker a mystery as this would crate tension and suspense throughout the opening, we also wanted him to wear dark clothing so that he would seem like a dark character and this wouls add more mystery.for the victims we wanted them to wear everyday clothes so that the audience could relate to them more.

The locations we chose were different for every victim so the first victim we chose was the street . the second was a park and the third was a bus-stop. we decieded that these would be nearby and had a few ideas in mind.theses girs would be around the age of 15+ so that it would have a convension of an actual thriller movie andso that audience could be related to very easily.

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