Wednesday 25 March 2009

The final editing.

So we had our establishing shot, and our black and white clips. Now we had to add in our soundtrack and movie titles. We had alot of work to do. Unfortunately our idea of the pictures coming to life had failed, we were told it was quite difficult to do and we jus didn't have much time in our hands. So we decided when we see the stalkers point of view, it is is going to be through camera lens, and in black and wight, he will then take a picuture and there will be a still image and the sound of camera shutters. We decided the stalker would take two pictures of his first two victims. So one of the non-diegetic sounds we had was the sound of camera shutters. Another one we were going to use is the heavy breathing in the background. This would be used when the clip is in black and white, from the stalkers point of view. The opening credits were simple, a white font against a black background, this made a contrast and made the text stand out. The soundtrack was upbeat, and the tempo increased as the clip was showing, this help create tension. We then had a large explosion at the end, with the word 'Capture' the title of our film. We played it over and over again, and once we were happy with what we managed to produce to blogged it online and our task was done! (finally)

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