Wednesday 25 March 2009

The pitching!

At first when we were told we had to pitch our ideas today, we all felt wary. No one in the group had a definate idea or plan as to what our thriller opening is going to be. We were expected to pitch in front of the class - including Marissa, Mickey and Louisa! So we began ... To help us get an idea of what we wanted, we all thought about previous thriller films we watched. Finally we began to pitch. We initially came up with two ideas. The first one was a person running away from someone or something, and in the background we thought we could add heavy breathing to add some tension and make it realistic, we thought we could use this scenario to our advantage as it will allow us to get various shots and at the same time establish the scene. Our second idea was the one we decided to keep. This was based on a stalker theme. We were told that this particular theme was common amongst all students, and Louisa told us were if we were to keep the theme, our opening had to be different to all the others and had to be great, but that was the risk our group was willing to take. We were so confident that our thriller opening would turn out great. This was our storyline : a stalker stalks three victims all of which are girls. The stalker secretly watches them using a camera, he stalks them individually and at some point takes pictures of them. The stalker is later shown in a dark room, pinning up all the pictures he took, along with descriptions. The stalker stalks these girls individually - we thought this would be effecttive because when it shows the first victim, which is our lovely Vanessa at the moment the stalker takes the picture, we wanted a still image of the photo, and then we could introduce Vanessa in our titles. We wanted this for all three of our victims. Another idea we came up was when the stalker was pinning up the pictures on the board, we wanted a slow zoom in on one of the pictures and then the picture come into life, into motion. Mickey told us that is was do-able, but might be hard work. Overall they liked out idea and gave us the thumbs up! I was over the moon as to what we achieved - at first when we entered the classroom and were told we had to pitch forward our ideas today we were all clueless, so to come up with a great idea within half and hour was a great achievement. I could not wait to film our thriller! We then roughly planned what shots we could include, we wrote down a list of various shots and thought maybe we could use it as a checklist as we were told the more various shots we could include in our thriller the more marks you get. So we were hoping to capture nearly all shots, from different types of angles to help boost our marks. We also roughly came up with a storyboard consisting of the different scenes, we were unsure about the location we would use, but decided it should be somehwere local and less bait, so a place harldy anyone knows - this is because we were also told using different locations could help boost our marks. So we decided we would discuss the loactions we were goin to use next lesson.

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