Wednesday 25 March 2009

Our first day filming ..

On this day we were expected to start filiming, but because we did not figure out what locations we were going to use we had to sit and plan. After several minutes we all decided we wanted to stay local, as it will be more convenient for us - so if the battery was to die we could run back to college! Although Louisa had told us using a whole new different location could help boost marks, we thought we should use a street in Angel. So today our main aim was to capture all the shots of our first victim. We got all the equipment that was needed and off we set! We used a normal house street, to make it seem realistic. When we were filming our victim we decided that some shots would be from the point of view of the stalker. So to make that obvious to our audience, the camera was hand held therefore the image was shaky, and the camera was held behind a bush to make it look like it was from the stalkers point of view. One of our ideas was the pictures coming to life, to motion. So whislt filming our first victim crossing the street, we took a picture of her at the same time. So when the camera zoomed into the picture being pinned up by the stalker it then slowly comes to life. We then shot different angles of the first victim walking down the street, but this was not from the stalkers point of view. Our thriller was going to consist of two different poitns of view : the stalkers and a normal point of view. So our job was done, we filmed all the crucial shots that was needed for that day.

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