Wednesday 25 March 2009

Filming 2

In this lesson we began filming Sanita (the third girl) because the bus location was closer. At first i positioned the camera behind her to get a shot of her walking across the road but i didn't use a tripod instead i handheld it so that it looks like it was from the prospective of the stalker and we it came to editing we would add heavy breathing as well as a black and white shot. After recording from behind her we done the same action but with Sanita crossing the road coming towards the camera to the action from the front. Lastly to add variety to the shot we included a high angle sot to make Sanita look inferior and in a vulnerable postion. After filming Sanita we went to the park and began filming Gizem one of the main three girls.In this scene we used a lot of camera angles. For example when Gizem walks through the park there is a long shot of her looking at her watch then a next shot of a close up of the watch. Another example of a camera angle used was a match cut when Gizem is on the swings. Whilst there we filmed Gizem walk into the park and sit on the swings , whilst on the swing she recieves a phone call and chats away whilst walking out of the park .For the duration of this action the girl is unaware that she is being stalked. So we tried to record all the camera shots that we had planned previously.

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