Sunday 1 March 2009


In this lesson we had to start filiming for our preliminary film which we had planned in the last lesson. Scenario Film a short clip that includes match-cuts ,shot-reverse shot and obeys 180 degree rule.
So at first the persons identity is hidden and this is shown by the camera angles which were used, the unknown person is filmed walking down the stairs with just their feet insight , whilst going down the stairs we also included match cuts and a shot of the persons hand as it slids down the rail. The person then walks past the camera and the camera tilts from behind from their feet to their head. Then the peron walks into the room where the other person is and a short piece of diaglogue is filmed but once again their identites are still hidden and only a close up of their mouths is filmed.
Overall all the filiming of the preliminary was good perhaps a little more planning would have
helped. It was fun to film and it was not to hard. We also manged to include all the key things that we needed to and managed not to break the 180 degree rule.

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