Sunday 1 March 2009

Match Cut Exercise

In this lesson we were taught how to make match cuts look smooth and invisible. A match cut is when for example someone picks up a pencil and that action is filmed from different angles. Mickey then set us a challenge 'East London. 3pm. A man chain- smokes as he sits at his home PC. He copies confidential files to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them'. We had to make a short sequence including a variety of shots to make it look interesting. After we had done this in our groups Mickey had showed us one that he had done earlier.We had to see if any shots we had included were smiliar to his. Then after this we had to spot match cuts and were told
that very good match- cuts were hard to spot. At the end we had to plan for our preliminary film the scenario A person walking then sitting down in front of another person, then a short dialogue. Good informative lesson overall and learnt more about match cuts than i originally knew. Also it was very benefical because what we learnt could be put into practice when we film for our thriller opening

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