Monday 23 March 2009

Preliminary Film.

In this lesson we were given another task. The task was to produce a short clip that includes match-cuts, shot reverse shot and obeys the 180 degree rule. We started producing our storyboard. To make things easier we took one camera shot at a time. So for shot reverse shot, we thought the scene should be two persons involved in a conversation, that way we can capture the shot reverse shot, when the camera moves from one person to the other, as they talk. And as for the match-cuts we thought we should include several of those as they were easy to shot. One of the match-cut shot in our clip was the person opening the door. We also made a list of different angels we wanted to include in our clip. e.g worms eye view. So when everyone was happy with the storyboard we set off to start filming!

We hadn't handled the camera for a while, so it was quite difficult setting it up, as most of us forgot what went where! Finally we had the camera working. The firt shot we filmed was the worms eye view of the person walking - this took ages! It was quite difficult handling the camera whilst it was on the floor. And another problem was capturing the person walking, the person was walking to fast, and because we were moving the camera along with the person walking the camera shot came out all blury and it looked unproffessional. After several attemtps, we decided that the actor should walk at a very slow pace - this was effective as it added suspense to our clip and plus it was easier to capture the worms eyes view. We soon realise we did not have much time left, so we captured all our vital shots.

After all our filming we then had to log and capture. To make things easier we filmed alot of shots whether or not they were on our storyboard. This was effective as we included alot of shots that we didn't initially plan to include.

Overall i would say this task was successful, because of the fact we handled the camera beforehand in our matchcut exercise, so therefore we knew how to capture particular shots. Unfortunately we did run out of time, we didn't capture all of the shots we wanted like the still shot of Vanessa looking out of the window. But i would say the two tasks that we were set, gave me knowledge on how to use various shots and i know this is going to help me a great deal when we begin our thriller filming!

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