Wednesday 25 March 2009


We were given a sheet and as a group we had to come up with ideas for our thriller using the storyboard. At first we weren't coming up with any ideas but with a little propmt from the teacher we began to brainstorm some good ideas but the disadvantage was that not all these ideas were practical and could be realistically accomplished. After we continued to brainstorm we began putting the ideas on paper. So at first we had to drawn our first shot which was a picture of the first girl walking (however later on this shot was made second and an establishing shot was used) then we had to include the camera shots we were going to use for example mid-shot,long shot etc. After this we had to decide how the shot will go into the next shot for example cross dissolve. We continued this throughout the whole planning of the thriller and although the storyboard was very long and tiring we knew that the end result would be good.

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