Wednesday 25 March 2009

and more filming...

Today was the day when we filmed indoors. This scene consisted of the stalker pinning up the pictures he had taken of his victims. We found a room where we can filter in red light. We shone the red light towards the board,this created an effect as though the stalker was acutally in a photo developing room, devoloping his photos. And there we had disturbing pictures of girls, and besides them were little descriptions written on post-its. We included a pan of the board, so the audience can see how mental disturbed the stalker is through the photos and descriptions he had pinned up, and also to show that the three victims were not the only victims he was stalking. We included low angle shot of the stalker, to elaborate the fact that he is superior and in control. We also included different scenes: where he was marking a large 'X' on a picture, another one where he was caressing a picture, these were all effective as it explores the creepy thoughts of the stalker and make him seem dangerous. I think the mise-en-scene for these scenes were actually quite effective. The fact that he was in a red room, the red light connotates danger, therefore it will be creating suspense and danger. The clothing of the stalker was also very effective, the stalker wore dark clothing, so it was almost as if he had something to hide, he looks mysterious and does not want to be noticed. We included a close up of the stalkers eyes, this shows the anger and emotions he possessed. So finally the filming was finishedddddddddd! at last!

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