Thursday 5 March 2009

prelimanry short clip

To prepare us for the real thriller opening we had to do a prelimary exercise so that this made it easier for us to the the real film. We had to include a match cut, shot reverse shot and follow the 180 degree rule. We decided not to reveal the identities of the two actors we had in our film to make it more mysterious and emphasise the fact that this was a thriller opening. We started of with a long shot and then it turned in to a worms eye view as the camera was panning with the feet along the ground and down the steps. We used various shots such as close-ups, exstreme long shots, exstreme close ups and mid shots. We also added loads of match cuts for example when one of the characters opened the door we showed this shot from loads f angles and this helped us to create suspense.  When filming we also didn't break the 180 degree rule which helped this film to be a success.

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