Wednesday 25 March 2009

filming 1

We start filming our first shot of me walking down a residenstial road in a casual attire and bag to give the idea that i was coming home from college. At first whilst filming everyone was quite wary and was just getting use to the camera and making sure that the camera position was perfect. So we begin filming with me walking out from a bend , then i look behind me before i cross the road the reason why i look back is so that when we edit it we include a camera shutter to make it look like someone (the stalker) has taken a picture. After this because we only get to use one camera at a time i had to continuously walk up and down making sure we got the same shot but just from a variety of angles.Because this was our first filming lesson we were a bit slow and just getting use to working the camera and filming the shots so that was all we managed to accomplish.

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