Wednesday 25 March 2009


When we walked into the room this lesson we were told that we had to pitch or thriller opening idea to Mickey,Marisa and Louisa, although we had previously done a storyboard and knew it we still thought it was a bit too soon to pitch,but we still done it .We began by describing the main concept of our thriller which is three teenage girls being stalked by an unknown person who photographs them on different occasions and adds the pictures to a collage of images of young girls onto a wall. Although our concept was basic we tried to make it more dramatic and interesting by including a variety of camera angles which would help build up suspense. For example we used a ‘High angle Shot’ to make one of the girls look inferior and in a vulnerable position. Also for one of the shots we wanted to show a picture of one of the girls sitting on the swing but when the camera turns on it it turns into real life. At first Mickey didnt understand that and though making the picture into real life may be too hard so we changed it into a camera shot of a girl on the swing then the ssound of camera shutters are heard to make it like a picture was taken then the next shot the picture was on the wall.After pitching my group was given the all clear and we could start filming.

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