Thursday 22 January 2009

Planning Our Thriller Opening

Thursday 22nd January:
In todays lesson, me and my group had to start planning our real opening sequence for our thriller. We thought about what the story should be about and decided to make it about a crazy man who stalks young girls and takes photos of them. We have flashbacks of victims he's kidnapped before but then we mix it with the present when he kidnaps the final girl. We wanted to show this by starting off the film with him secretly watching each girl and taking a few pictures and we have quick cuts to him pinning the photos to his collage of other victims photos. As he takes the pictures we hear camera shutters to add tension against the background soundtrack which we haven't decided yet.

We decided to keep the stalker a mystery by not showing his face. We will do this by having point-of-view shots and over-the-shoulder shots. He will be wearing dark, plain clothes as this connotes that he does not want to be noticed. The female victims will be wearing normal, everyday clothes eg. jeans and jacket.

The locations we chose were the park, the bus stop and a street. These are everyday locations that the audience can relate to and familiarise with. The target audience is aged 15+ as they can relate more to the situations and characters.

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