Wednesday 21 January 2009

First Film Practice.

During this lesson we were told that we had to practice filming. We were given a storyline, that involved a person and a newspaper and had to contain at least 12 shots. We had to elaborate, and make the storyline as thrilling as possible. Our film had to contain a extreme close up, point of view shot and a over the shoulder shot. So our group got together and we started discussing what other various shots we could use to make film excting and thrilling. After several minutes we wrote down the shots we were goin to use for our film on the storyboard and off we set to film! Working the camera was not so bad, as we were given a tutorial on how to use it. At first filming the shots in order, according to the storyboard, but soon later we realised it was easier and quicker to film any shots and later we could just edit them and put them in order. I would say i was happy with the camera work, as we managed to capture nearly all the shots we wanted. I think the most successful shot we managed to capture was the worms eye view of my feet tapping on the floor, this is because this particular shot looked more proffessional, as the camera was not hand held, or moved about so it there wasn't much shaking. One shot we originally planned to have didn't not work. This was the slow zoom in from a high angle, it was difficult to capture it because it was difficult to control the zoom in button and our media teacher said we should avoid using it because it's hard to make it look perfect, instead we decided not to use the shot. Finally we captured all our shots, and we were told we had to edit our shots next lesson. This lesson i found very enjoyable, as it was my first time handling the camera.

The next lesson we were put in the media room. We were asked to edit our shots using the programme Final Cut. This i found very fustrating, as i had very little knowledge on how to work it. It was very confusing as i kept deleting the film we made and had to 'Capture and log' several times. We looked through our film a couple of times and decided on what shots we wanted to keep. It took several minutes to capture the shots we wanted, we then had to make it run continuously to make it look like an actual film. I would say the editing was very successful, because i was happy with how our film turned out. Our film was about a girl, flicking through a newspaper frantically, when she comes across an Al-Quieda aritical, she loses it and runs out of the building. We managed to create suspense and tension through our various shots. The exteme close up of her eyes expressed emotion and the close up of the crushing of the cup expressed her shock. We had other shots such as long shots of the newspaper, and a long shot of the girl runnning out of the buliding. I would say our film shared some of the conventions of thriller films. As it contained quick cuts, and our film was at a quick pace so that built up tension. Another thing we tried to work on was the music, music plays a big role when creating tension. We had run out of time to edit the music further. If i had more time i would have worked on the music allowing it to create more tension and suspense for our film!

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