Saturday 31 January 2009

Filming More Scenes

Thursday 29th January:
In this lesson, we went to our next two locations to carry on filming the thriller opening. First we went to a bus stop as this is where the other victim was being stalked. We did a long shot of her running across the road from the stalkers point of view. Then I took photos of her from the same angle as the camera so that we can use the photos for our last scene. We filmed this scene from many different angles to give variety. For example, we also filmed her running towards the camera and we filmed her at a high angle to make her look vulnerable while she was sitting at the bus stop.

We then moved on to the park where I had to act like the other victim. We filmed the scene from a high angle and from the stalkers point of view as he watched her walk through the park and sit on the swing. We also did a worms-eye-view shot and a point-of-view shot of me looking at the phone when it started ringing. We also did a quick scene where as I was leaving the park, me and the other victim crossed paths and the stalker took a picture of us. This can show that we will be in the same situation together but we have no idea. It helps creates tension.

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