Wednesday 28 January 2009

First film practice -newspaper

During this lesson we were taught how to use the main features on the camera for example how to put a battery into a camera, open a tripod and insert and eject tapes.
Last lesson we were given a story line about a person reading a newspaper and it was compulsory to use Close up, Over The Shoulder and Point Of view Shot. It was up to us to try convert something boring into something thrilling. So our group got together and started filming our storyboard which we had planned. When filiming we tried including a variety of shots. We began with an over the shoulder shot of a newspaper ( which was opened) and a cup of water then Khaleda walked into the shot and sat down .Previously before we edited the original shot we had decided to have a close up of the closed newspaper however we changed our minds because we had realised that the next shot began with the newspaper opened and it didnt make sense because we did not show any on open it . Also in our film we used extreme close ups for example on the eyes to show the 'shock' and we also used extreme close up to show a hand crushing the cup of water. Another shot we used that was good was the worm's eye view on the feet taping frantically not only because i was the one who done it but because it looked professional and was not shakey .Overall in the film we managed to include all the complusory shots and even add some other ones. For me i found the lesson to be quite interesting because it was the first time that we used the cameras.

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